
Valentine’s Day is a widely seen as a day of celebration for lovers. In its ideal state, the day is a happy occasion when people express their love for each other with flowers, heart-shaped boxes of candy, romantic cards, and affection. Proposals are extended. Greeting card companies’ business skyrockets.

Unfortunately, there is another face to Valentine’s Day. Statistics show that it is often a day of escalated anger and violence for those in unhappy or unhealthy relationships.

Violence typically increases during holidays. Valentine’s Day is no exception because it is a day when expectations and focus on the relationship is heightened. For couples in unhealthy relationships, it becomes a day for rehashing negative thoughts over and over – and in some cases, it can even lead to violence.

Love should not hurt.

The cycle of abuse usually begins with feelings of love, jealousy, anger, rage, abuse and then remorse with the cycle repeating again.

A study by the National Center on Domestic Violence found that domestic violence is more likely to occur when there is more contact between the abuser and the victim. It is also more likely to occur in the home as compared to in public settings.

And what about the children on this day supposedly focused on love? Too often Valentine’s Day violence is witnessed by minor children. The Courts are mandated to consider domestic violence when the issues of child custody and visitation are in dispute. Parents need to remember that minor children suffer, often in silence.

Shulman Family Law Group is dedicated to family safety. We provide restraining order guidance and other family law and child custody counsel to those in abusive marriages and partnerships.

If you are a parent in an abusive relationship and need guidance to protect yourself and your minor children, contact Shulman Family Law Group at: or 818-222-0010. In an emergency situation, please call 911.

Shulman Family Law Group wishes you a loving and safe Valentine’s Day