Divorce is a stressful time for anyone, but it can be especially stressful when under the spotlight.

TV personality Wendy Williams has recently filed for divorce from Kevin Hunter, husband for over 20 years and executive producer of her talk show. During this time, Ms. Williams is seeking child support and other reliefs that the New Jersey Court would deem “fair and equitable.”

Because New Jersey is not a community property state but an equitable distribution state, the court divides marital assets in an equitable manner. More specifically, asset distribution between an individual and his/her spouse will be fair but not necessarily equal.

Knowing how the laws differ from California to the Jersey State is a step in recognizing your rights. This allows a divorcee to know what to expect in his/her case and how to manage the coming months. Regardless, Ms. Williams’ marriage is now center stage.

Ms. Williams is no stranger to tabloid rumors of her husband’s infidelity, but her focus now is bettering herself by living full time in a sober home to work on her past addiction issues. Being fairly open about her life, Wendy Williams reveals her current status in her talk show.

No matter her fame or her sobriety, Ms. Williams is undergoing a difficult chapter in her life – one that many can relate to. It’s important to know that no one is alone in this struggle, and it’s always important to show compassion to your family and friends and ask, “How you doin’?”